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no shutdown and other trouble.


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I wonder if I could trouble you Unraid experts with two quick queries which may actually have one cause? I've been using Unraid for approx 1 year and  things have worked well up to now but...................


I have recently upgraded to Unraid Ver 6 Pro from version 5 Pro. I have also upgraded the Drives and added some apps (under Ver 5) such as pre-clear, Email, etc.


At some point during this adventure the Unraid box has stopped shutting down completely when using the "power down" button in the WebGui. Unfortunately I cannot remember when this stopped working exactly as I placed it on my "To Do" list but it is now really annoying me. This feature worked perfectly at some point!!  :-\


In an attempt to cure this problem I have renamed and replaced the necessary files on the USB stick so that I get a clean boot and none of the "Extra" packages are loaded. This has been confirmed on screen whilst watching the boot up sequence. Unfortunately Unraid Ver 6.12 halts but will still not shut down the motherboard.

Now I am really miffed as it worked before!  >:(


The only possible pointer I can see for this is upon system halt there is a message left on the display that says "mount: can't find in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab".  :o


I cannot remember if this message has appeared now or has been there all along. A trawl of the internet tells me that this is a common message with Unraid (and Linux) users but I have not found an answer.


Could somebody please help? Thank you in advance.  :)

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Well, I seem to have sorted the Power down issue by editing the syslinux file to read "ACPI=ON" instead of off.  :D

Don't know how that got changed? Maybe its a default setting in the newer UnRaid ver 6.


Anyway, that still leaves the strange message that appears on the console screen just before shutdown and that is "mount: can't find / in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab


Anybody any ideas?  ???


Thanks, G.

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Hi Squid, thanks for that.


I notice after googling on the net that many others have had this "error" message come up on screen on shutdown. It's as if the system is trying to reload something but cannot find it.

Call me picky, but there has to be an answer to this, even though it does not seem to be affecting the system.


I don't like things that aren't right and would love to have the answer to this so I can fix it.



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