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Help - Kernel panic error


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I had to hard reboot my TOWER three times today due to kernel panic error. It seems to freeze TOWER so I cannot issue any commands at root. I am attaching a screenshot pic of the monitor. I am losing the webgui connection as well everytime so I cannot get access to the syslog. Please let me know if there is anything on the screenshot that gives a clue as to what the problem is.


Note this is happening when I am copying files from one disk to another. I am not running any plugins. Have a basic system with 3gb ram and 5hdds, parity and a cache drive.


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I have corsair TX650W power supply. Will run memtest and post the syslog back here. Thanks.



Run memtest for ideally 24 Hours


What model is your power supply?


Type this into the console and let it run.


tail -f  /var/log/syslog >/boot/syslogtail.txt


Then upload the file after it crashes


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