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Best way to expose unRaid to select internet users


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Exposing unRaid to the internet has always been considered a bad idea.  I have a very geographically dispersed work group, and I would like to create a NAS for my worldwide team.  Dropbox is being used, but some of the team are in China.  Dropbox won't work there so we are testing cloud.me  But a dropbox like solution has limitations.  A straight NAS solution would be great.  I will have gigabit Google fiber internet at the unRaid box.  I have tested VPN's before I had gigabit and found it slow because of the limitations of my 25/2 isp service. 


1.  A very small group of users (less than 10)


2.  Techno challenged group. 


3.  Data being shared is standard business documents, and images


Solutions being considered.





I see ProFTPD has been updated to work on 6b14 as a plugin?  Would a docker solution be better?


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