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Feature Request - Provide kernel modularization


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Hi guys,


would like a two part request:

1. enable most of the optional stuff in the kernel as modules (wifi drivers, usb drivers, network features, etc)

2. provide a repo and folder (on the usb) to get these compiled modules from and drop into the unraid installation


Rationale: I'd like to add native ipsec capabilities (please no openvpn) to my unraid (I have installed strongswan on other Slackware boxes) and lack of kernel capability for NETKEY and IPV6 is blocking me; Having checked the kernel config, it seems I need to build a complete kernel, which will interfere with future upgrades, etc.


And because there in no kernel capability - dockers are not going to cut it. only xen/kvm (which is a kinda heavy solution for this)


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