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Losing Permissions

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Hi, I've been plugging along just fine for a while with my unRaid rig, Almost no changes for a while other than a drive replacement a few months back. 


One problem that has happened 3 or 4 times now, is I lose permissions to delete, edit files.  I can write, but nothing else. 

The only fix I discovered is to re-run the permissions utility that I used when I first upgraded from 4.X to 5.X.  Each time I re-run that utility, everything straightens out for a while but then days / weeks later it returns. 

Sometimes its a whole directory and at least this last time it was some of the files in a directory, but not all.  I don't believe it's always the same folders either, though I'd have to track it for a while to know, and it doesn't happen often enough for that to be productive in the short term.


Any ideas how I could be losing permissions?  I saw one other person post this problem and there was no response.  They apparently did not know to re-run the utility or didn't say anything about it.


Any help is appreciated.  The configuration in my signature is accurate.  I wouldn't think syslog is useful since this is such an intermittent problem, but let me know if you need it and i'll throw it up here.


Thanks again for any help.



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You say you can write but not edit or delete? Did you really mean you can read? Edit, delete, and write are the same permission.


Something is changing your permissions. Do you run any plugins, dockers, VMs?


You need to pay closer attention to exactly what you are losing permission on if you want to track this down.

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