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[SOLVED]VM Manager VNC Connection problem


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After successfully installing Ubuntu Server 14.04 I have apparently hosed the built-in VNC desktop.  The VNC desktop freezes at "Stopping System V run level compatibility [OK]"  The VM has finished booting and I can access a Xfce desktop I've installed.  Any suggestions to restore/trouble shoot the built-in VNC desktop? BTW, is there a way to see the boot up outside of the manager using a terminal?  I've attached a screen shot of the VNC desktop.


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After successfully installing Ubuntu Server 14.04 I have apparently hosed the built-in VNC desktop.  The VNC desktop freezes at "Stopping System V run level compatibility [OK]"  The VM has finished booting and I can access a Xfce desktop I've installed.  Any suggestions to restore/trouble shoot the built-in VNC desktop? BTW, is there a way to see the boot up outside of the manager using a terminal?  I've attached a screen shot of the VNC desktop.


So during the install, was it a GUI-based install and everything looked fine, but then after the install, it now is only showing you a terminal session over RDP?  Please share your XML from your VM here so I can see exactly how it's configured.


I also am confused by this:


The VM has finished booting and I can access a Xfce desktop I've installed.


But you're saying you can't do just that at the beginning.  I think the way you're describing the problem is just a little confusing.

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So during the install, was it a GUI-based install and everything looked fine, but then after the install, it now is only showing you a terminal session over RDP?  Please share your XML from your VM here so I can see exactly how it's configured.


I installed Ubuntu server (server installs without a desktop) everything is fine.  When I clicked the VNC eyeball icon, I could access whatever desktop the manager uses.  I then installed VNC4Server and the Xfce desktop which desktop I can connect to, but I lost the ability to connect to the original desktop which is no big deal as I have the Xfce desktop.  What I would like is to be able to see the entire boot process to a login command line as in Xen. (I'm a Xen refugee.)  I hope this makes sense.


VM Xml is attached.


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