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upgrade from 6.0-beta15 to rc2 not showing up on plugins page


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I recently installed 6.0-beta15 and since got 4 disks, so obviously it prompted me to purchase a license.

I clicked the link and it said I have to upgrade to rc to buy a license.


I have a look for the upgrade process and was pointed to doing it through the plugins page.


I go to the plugins page, under installed plugins I see 2 entries..

I press the "Check for updates" button and after a second I get presented with an empty box titled plugin update check, and just a done button. (I click done)


The 2 items on the page and the update status showing for each are:


Dynamix WebGui  2015.04.17 no update

UnRaid Server OS 6.0-beta15 up-to-date


I have rebooted a few times and clicked the check for updates button 20 or 30 times now.


Am I being dumb and doing this totally wrong?

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Thanks Squid,


Unfortunately, that didn't work.  Just the same.


I will look at downloading the update manually.  I assume it will keep my configuration after the updating that way?

If not, is there a way to back up and restore the config to save me having to set up loads of users/permissions again?

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