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Kodi Can't Write to MariaDB

Living Legend

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Here is the pastebin with the debug log. I had to delete half of the stuff to make it fit, but it all was pretty repetitive:




My databases are created and all clients are able to access, but the databases are completely blank and nothing is getting written to them. I thought it may be a privelage issue at first, but all the settings for that seem to be okay. Here are the recurring issue lines I'm finding in the log:



17:46:25 T:8876 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir 'smb://TOWER/Movies/The Great Gatsby (2013)/' due to no change

17:46:25 T:8876 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir 'smb://TOWER/Movies/The Great Gatsby (2013)/extrafanart/' due to no change

17:46:25 T:8876 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir 'smb://TOWER/Movies/The Great Gatsby (2013)/extrathumbs/' due to no change

17:46:25 T:8876 DEBUG: XFILE::CWin32SMBDirectory::ConnectAndAuthenticate: Connected to "\\TOWER\Movies" without username and without password

17:46:25 T:8876 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.


Then I get these errors for tv shows:


17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (smb://TOWER/TV/Cosmos/Season 1/Cosmos - S01E07 - The Backbone of Night SDTV.avi), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=265

17:48:30 T:5392 ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (13)

Query: select * from episodeview where idEpisode=12

17:48:30 T:5392 ERROR: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeInfo (smb://TOWER/TV/Cosmos/Season 1/Cosmos - S01E07 - The Backbone of Night SDTV.avi) failed

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: smb://TOWER/TV/Cosmos/Season 1/Cosmos - S01E07 - The Backbone of Night SDTV.nfo

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:smb://TOWER/TV/Cosmos/Season 1/Cosmos - S01E07 - The Backbone of Night SDTV.avi

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql execute: update files set dateAdded='2014-04-17 03:17:04' where idFile=265

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql execute: insert into episode (idEpisode, idFile, idShow) values (NULL, 265, -1)

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql Start transaction

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql execute: delete from actorlinkepisode where idEpisode=346

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql execute: delete from directorlinkepisode where idEpisode=346

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql execute: delete from writerlinkepisode where idEpisode=346

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql execute: INSERT INTO art(media_id, media_type, type, url) VALUES (346, 'episode', 'thumb', 'smb://TOWER/TV/Cosmos/Season 1/Cosmos - S01E07 - The Backbone of Night SDTV-thumb.jpg')

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql execute: update episode set c00='The Backbone of Night',c01='Humans once thought the stars were campfires in the sky and the Milky Way \"the backbone of night.\"\r\nIn this fascinating segment Dr. Sagan takes us back to ancient Greece, when the basic question \"what are the stars?\" was first asked. He visits the Brooklyn elementary school of his childhood, where this same question is still on students\' minds.',c02='',c03='8.800000',c04='',c05='1980-11-09',c06='<thumb>http://thetvdb.com/banners/episodes/74995/159383.jpg</thumb>',c07='',c08=NULL,c09='0',c10='',c11='',c12='1',c13='7',c14='',c15='-1',c16='-1',c17='-1',c18='smb://TOWER/TV/Cosmos/Season 1/Cosmos - S01E07 - The Backbone of Night SDTV.avi',c19='256',c20='' where idEpisode=346

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: Mysql commit transaction

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 16, from xbmc, message OnUpdate

17:48:30 T:5392 INFO: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Received announcement: VideoLibrary, xbmc, OnUpdate

17:48:30 T:5392 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodeId (smb://TOWER/TV/Cosmos/Season 1/Cosmos - S01E08 - Journeys in Space and Time SDTV.avi), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=266

17:48:30 T:5392 ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (13)

Query: select * from episodeview where idEpisode=13


It seems like I'm able to access the SMB share ont he NAS, but then there's a ton of errors and I can't figure out why.

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If I delete the databases, Kodi now won't create a new one and won't open with the advancedsettings.xml file:


19:14:45 T:11720  NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6

19:14:45 T:11720  NOTICE: Running database version Textures13

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic48 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic48')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic47 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic47')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic46 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic46')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic45 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic45')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic44 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic44')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic43 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic43')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic42 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic42')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic41 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic41')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic40 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic40')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic39 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic39')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic38 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic38')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic37 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic37')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic36 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic36')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic35 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic35')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic34 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic34')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic33 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic33')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic32 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic32')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic31 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic31')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic30 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic30')

19:14:45 T:6212  DEBUG: CRemoteControl::Connect - connecting to: ...

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic29 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic29')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic28 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic28')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic27 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic27')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic26 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic26')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic25 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic25')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic24 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic24')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic23 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic23')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic22 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic22')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic21 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic21')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic20 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic20')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic19 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic19')

19:14:45 T:11720  ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic18 [1049](Unknown database 'MyMusic18')

19:14:46 T:6212  DEBUG: CRemoteControl::Connect - failed to connect

19:14:46 T:6212    INFO: CRemoteControl::Process - failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds


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