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Cannot Set Share to Do Not Use Cache


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I decided that i do not need the benefit of the cache drive for user shares, and will just use my cache for docker/apps/vm's etc


I have set all shares to not use the cache drive but i have two shares which refuse to play nice


These shares are Movies and Kid's Movies, as far as i can tell there is something about Couch Potato that is causing this as the share behaves as expected if i manually copy data to it using windows explorer ie: nothing is created on the cache drive.


I have a Couch Potato docker running for each share, the settings for Movies are as follows


/mnt              /mnt

/config          /mnt/user/appdata/couchpotato

/downloads    /mnt/user/downloads/complete/movies/


i pass /mnt /mnt through to the docker so that when i changed from the v5 plugin to the v6 docker i could copy my existing database over and file paths would remain the same


within CouchPotato itself i have



TO:  /mnt/user/Movies

FROM:  /mnt/user/downloads/complete/movies/



/mnt/user/Kids Movies




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