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Undo what I did?


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I dropped to the command line and performed this command

docker pull ubuntu


It downloaded images, only worth like 150MB or whatever, but how do I remove them now. I looked through the docker --help command and saw no remove/delete or anything like that. I was trying to look for an ubuntu docker and couldn't find one with the communities applications so I tried the command line, but rather stick with using the webgui since dockers is a new thing to me.




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I dropped to the command line and performed this command

docker pull ubuntu


It downloaded images, only worth like 150MB or whatever, but how do I remove them now. I looked through the docker --help command and saw no remove/delete or anything like that. I was trying to look for an ubuntu docker and couldn't find one with the communities applications so I tried the command line, but rather stick with using the webgui since dockers is a new thing to me.







docker images




and paste the output

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I dropped to the command line and performed this command

docker pull ubuntu


It downloaded images, only worth like 150MB or whatever, but how do I remove them now. I looked through the docker --help command and saw no remove/delete or anything like that. I was trying to look for an ubuntu docker and couldn't find one with the communities applications so I tried the command line, but rather stick with using the webgui since dockers is a new thing to me.







docker images




and paste the output


root@SUN:~# docker images

REPOSITORY                  TAG                IMAGE ID            CREATED            VIRTUAL SIZE

ubuntu                      latest              6d4946999d4f        3 days ago          188.3 MB

gfjardim/crashplan-desktop  latest              2bd560942173        7 weeks ago        785.2 MB

gfjardim/crashplan          latest              5b583eacd453        5 months ago        627.9 MB

digitalman2112/duc          latest              0c17a8ab8568        5 months ago        555.5 MB



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Not sure but if you go to the docker tab and click on advanced, doesn't it show orphan images?


Yep, I saw the orphaned image there when viewing via advanced.  I removed it via the webgui and it was pooof- gone.

When dealing with dockers, I'll stick with the webgui for now. Anything dockers is very new to me. First I ever heard and used it was when I upgraded my unRaid to the V6 beta.




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