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Deluge Docker Problem

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First time ever using Dockers.  I managed to install the Deluge Docker successfully.  Where I'm having a problem is downloading a file.  I've added a torrent for a test and trying to download a small flac file.  It downloads and completes but I can't find the file anywhere. 


In the preferences for Download I have the path /cache/deluge/downloads.  But the folder is empty.  I'm sure it's something very basic I'm overlooking...but what?

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For the life of me I can't figure this out.  I tried various paths but nothing seems to work.


On my cache drive I have a folder called Deluge.  Below that I have the following folders





On the Shares page, I can see a share called deluge.  For Use Cache Disk I have it set to No but not sure if it should be set to Yes.




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  • 4 years later...

This is an old post but figured someone might find the answer helpful. When using docker you need to define the volume that deluge will use and a location on your OS. This will create a shared folder which your docker container and your OS can see/use. I am using Docker on Windows 10. I have a batch file that I use to create this container. If you really want to get advanced you can use docker-compose which has yaml based configuration files which are easy to maintain.



docker create --name=deluge --net=host -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e UMASK_SET=022 -e TZ=America/Chicago -v C:\Docker\deluge\config:/config -v C:\Torrents\incomplete:/downloads -v C:\Torrents\completed:/completed --restart unless-stopped linuxserver/deluge:latest


Edited by jaskohl
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