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Losing all connectivity with ASRock C2550D4I

Rev. Noch

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Hello Everyone,


    I'm having some trouble with my new unRAID server. I'm using unRAIDServer-6.0.0-x86_64 still on the 30 Trial to make sure this is the direction I want to go. The server and array startup just fine. Everything appears normal, I can start up Plex, I can copy data to the drives, etc. Then after a handful of hours (random, more than 2 but fewer than 24), the NIC seems to lose connection, as the link lights go out I can't access anything on the server. When I try to view the display directly on the server, the screen is just completely black and the only way I've been successful in getting it back up is a complete power-off and restart. I started a memory check last night, but after 12 hours of scanning, it has yet to find any errors before I left for work this morning.


I've got a ASRock C2550D4I, 8GB of non-ECC memory, 2-6TB WD Red drives (one Parity and one Data), and a 250GB Samsung EVO SSD as a Cache. My boot USB is this SanDisk Ultra Fit: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LLEN5FQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00.


Has anyone seen this type of behavior?

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Not sure what to suggest - your symptoms definitely sound like some sort of hard crash at the hardware level.


Only think I can think of at the moment is to check that all fans etc are working fine so you are not encountering an overheating problem.


One thing that might get a bit more information is to start a 'tail' of the syslog in a telnet session and leave that running.    The end of that might give some information about what was happening at the point where the system went dead.  Since that motherboard seems to have IPMI support it might also be worth keeping a session open on that to see if any console type messages are displayed.

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did you try to access through ipmi whhen this error happens? do you have access?

did you upgrade bios firmware and sata controller? it's very necesary because exist an error that makes unraid unestable.(HDD  link lose)



I have same MB with last unraid 6 version and all work very very fine.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All,


    So far so good, the array has been up and running for 1 day 15 hours. This is the longest it's managed to stay alive. Over the weekend, I replaced the corsair desktop PSU I had temporarily running the rig with the Seasonic SS-300M1U I purchased for it. If anything changes, I'll post back here.

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