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[Solved] Web UI displays gibberish and then goes unavailable


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My server has been offline for awhile, I recently replaced the motherboard/processor/chasis, and updated Unraid from 5.0.6 to 6.0.1 (I can give more details about what I've done in the upgrades if someone thinks it relevant. I actually had a crappy molex connection melt and fry a drive, said screw it and replaced everything).


My server boots up fine (one of the new drives - not part of the array - doesn't show up (even in BIOS POST), I'm assuming a bad SATA cable or just bad drive).


I get green lights on all the disks, and am able to access shares normally. But after being online for a little while, I start getting gibberish ASCII in the unraid page. For instance, the docker setup text window that normally autopopulates '/mnt/..." etc, starts just showing a couple entries of this garbage text, and I see scrolling garbage on the bottom of the status bar.


Screenshot attached, as well as a diagnostics file.


Ran memtest and my memory checks out, 0 errors after a number of passes.


Even after the web GUI becomes inaccessible, I can still access media files, and after it's down for a bit sometimes it comes back up and works normally (if I log on soon after booting I'll get 'good' text on the drive screen, unlike the attached screenshot). I've looked through the logs but nothing catches my eye as relevant.


My current thought is that maybe I have a file in my disk array that has invalid characters - anyone know a script I can run over my array to determine that?


Has anyone run into this problem before? I did try and search, but I wasn't able to find any similar threads.


Any thoughts or suggestions to troubleshoot farther would be greatly appreciated.


Hardware is:

Motherboard: SUPERMICRO MBD-X10SL7-F-O uATX Server Motherboard

Processor: Intel Xeon E3 1276

RAM: Crucial 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM ECC Unbuffered


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I tried a different browser and had the same issue. When I tried a different computer, it was while /tower was in the unresponsive phase of the crash, so I couldn't tell if I just had issues with the other computer or if it was the server.


Even though reboots hadn't fixed the issue earlier, the latest time I booted up I haven't seen any problems. I think it may only happen when I have the cacheDirs plugin running? Either way I guess the issue is resolved for now. Thanks for your suggestion though! Definitely should have tried from other machines again.

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