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Unattached Storage Question


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Got a quick questions about adding a local unattached hard drive to Unraid 6.  I have a plugin already that makes it so I can mount unattached drives in the GUI.  But I am unsure if Unraid has an easy way to format a drive that is not attached to the array?  My Linux knowledge is a little Noobish and any help would be great.


Thank you for any help


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Thank you for the link, I am using the plugin and it looks great.  The issue I have is that I have searched for a way in Linux to format a drive and there are many.  Does Unraid have a pre install app to format the drive or is there a recommended way so the permissions are correct?



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Thank you for the link, I am using the plugin and it looks great.  The issue I have is that I have searched for a way in Linux to format a drive and there are many.  Does Unraid have a pre install app to format the drive or is there a recommended way so the permissions are correct?

When running from the command line (i.e. in a telnet/console/ssh session) drives are normally formatted in Linux using the 'mkfs' command.  By default you can add .format to the name to specify the format wanted.  You also need to add the partition to the device name.


mkfs.xfs /dev/sdf1

Would format the first partition on the disk on device /dev/sdf in XFS format using default settings.


If the disk is not already partitioned then you would use the gdisk command to partition it.


gdisk /dev/sdf

to partition the disk attached as device /dev/sdf and follow the onscreen prompts to know what to do.  I used gdisk as that can handle disks larger than 2TB whereas the older fdisk command was limited to 2TB and also did not understand GPT style partitioning.

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