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[SOLVED] CPU Freq. down clocking


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Hey all,

I recently upgraded and updated my server but i noticed that the CPU doesn't throttle back when it isn't utilized.

Unraid: 6.0.1

CPU: Intel i3 4170

Motherboad:  Gigabyte H97N-WIFI


The following command gives me: cat /proc/cpuinfo |egrep -i mh

cpu MHz        : 3700.144

cpu MHz        : 3652.882

cpu MHz        : 3700.000

cpu MHz        : 3700.144


Hope that anyone can help me with this.

Thanks in advance




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There's another thread about this here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=36575.0

it was supposedly fixed, but it doesn't work for me (for whatever reason).

You can add intel_pstate=disable to your syslinux.cfg file, and it will use the older throttling driver.


The relevant section right under "timeout 50" would look like this:

label unRAID OS
  menu default
  kernel /bzimage
  append intel_pstate=disable initrd=/bzroot


Mine now throttles and consumes ~15-20 watts less at idle, with lower average temp.

I'd still like this fixed, but I seem to be a minority with this issue.

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Well I read the topic and it seems that the WebGUI indeed throttle all the cores to 100%, whereas with the  intel_pstate=disable statement the cores throttle more dynamic in the end it doesnt really matter that much power consumption wise. So I will keep it config file without the additional line.


Thanks for all the input!




ps. thread can be closed as it solved for me:)

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