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emhttp going 100% cpu


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I am currently running 6.0.1 and I have found if I am running a preclear or rebuilding a drive as I am now, if I try to use the web interface to monitor the rebuild or preclear status then emhttp will go 100% cpu in top and the webpage will be unresponsive.  There is nothing in the syslog to show anything has crashed are there any other logs that will shed any light as to what is happening.  If I am not doing any preclears or things like that then I have not had the webgui crash.  I can then issue a powerdown and have the system do a clean shutdown and come back up.



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Normally rebuilds or preclears will not keep you from accessing the webGUI.


From the unRAID command line, type


ignore any error messages, and it will put the diagnostics zip file on your flash drive. You may be able to access your flash over the network if you have it shared.

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I'll see what I can do.  Is there anything I should be logging or collecting other than the diags if there are no errors showing in the syslog??

Not that I can think of.  I've never had this issue or been able to recreate this issue on any test system. If we can't recreate and there is nothing in the log, the next thing to examine is outside influences (plugins and running as a VM).  So if you run as a physical host and the issue doesn't occur, then we know its something with your virtual environment.


Keep in mind, we are using a very modern Linux kernel and we do not test running unRAID as a VM between releases. If something breaks because of that, we are reliant on the community to tell us and exactly what broke / how we can fix it. Without that information, we can't fix it.  We don't prevent running unRAID as a VM, but that doesn't mean we officially support it.  Many run unRAID as a VM just fine, which means this is probably just an issue with your setup, but you'll need to review your config with the community in the thread I linked you to for assistance. I have no VMware environment to test with. All my VMs run on unRAID as the host under KVM.

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