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XFS problem or RAM shortage? Pls Help.


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I've been having trouble with my server for a while now. When I don't run any dockers the server runs just fine. However when I want to resume normal operation with several dockers (couchpotato, transmission, sickrage and plex) running, I can be certain it'll crash when several dockers are running their chores (eg. Downloading, unpacking, streaming). This is the crash report I see most often (pic). I can't add my diagnostics report since it's a hard crash, in need of a hard reboot.


I already ran safe-mode, memtest, and xfs_repair. With the last one making some repairs after a blackout, but everything else comes out just fine. So any help would be appreciated. In the meantime I'm thinking that I'm asking too much of my server and that it's in need of an upgrade. What are your thoughts?



Mobo: Asus M4A8-VM

CPU: AMD Athlon XII 245

Memory: 4gb


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