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Can't mount share on debian machine anymore (mount error(127): Key has expired)


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I'm trying since hours to figure this out.

problem is i mostly find topics where they got this problem with a windows server...


Unraid 6.0.1

last reboot was 2 weeks ago.

setup was working for months.


then suddenly yesterday the mounted Unraid shares on a windows machines dropped.

since reboot is the first solution to everything i rebootet unraid and windows was able to connect again.


today i recognised that also the mount points on the debian machine dropped and now i try since hours to find a solution to the problem.


when i try to mount the share i get

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=nobody // /stuff
mount error(127): Key has expired 


every site on the web says thats an error when the password from the useraccount on the server has expired.

so i had a look at the nobody account on the unraid server:


root@Tower:~# chage -l nobody
Last password change                                    : Aug 03, 2010
Password expires                                        : never
Password inactive                                       : never
Account expires                                         : never
Minimum number of days between password change          : 0
Maximum number of days between password change          : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires       : 7


even it looks good i reset the password for the nobody account but still i get mount error(127): Key has expired


i don't get it whats wrong since i haven't anything touched since days.

only installed some docker plugings but thats was a week ago.

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i didn't find a solution only a workaround.


I switched to Secure share export and created another user. with this user it works now so problem has to be with the nobody user.


Is the date / time on your system accurate?  Sometimes if clocks are out of sync, Windows gets angry ;-)

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