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New (to me) upgrade


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Great value, and the SAT2 controllers perform very well with Unraid, faster than the newer SASLP.


It won’t look so tidy but you’d probably get a little better performance during a parity check/sync with the SAT2 cards on the top two slots, they are 133MHZ as opposed to 100Mhz for the bottom ones.




Great value, and the SAT2 controllers perform very well with Unraid, faster than the newer SASLP.


It won’t look so tidy but you’d probably get a little better performance during a parity check/sync with the SAT2 cards on the top two slots, they are 133MHZ as opposed to 100Mhz for the bottom ones.

Actually the best performance on the X7SBE on a parity check is to put one card on the 133MHZ slot and the other on the 100MHZ slot and nothing in the 2 empty remaining PCI-x slots.  You can use the PCIe slots for anything you want and won't affect your parity check speeds.  So based on the pictures it looks like he has it setup correctly as long as the PCI-x slots have two empties.  If you put a slow PCI card in on the same buss (133MHZ or 100MHZ) you would be slowing it to PCI speeds.

Actually the best performance on the X7SBE on a parity check is to put one card on the 133MHZ slot and the other on the 100MHZ slot and nothing in the 2 empty remaining PCI-x slots.  You can use the PCIe slots for anything you want and won't affect your parity check speeds.  So based on the pictures it looks like he has it setup correctly as long as the PCI-x slots have two empties.  If you put a slow PCI card in on the same buss (133MHZ or 100MHZ) you would be slowing it to PCI speeds.


Didn't know that, I have the same board but only one SAT2 controller, thanks for the info.

Didn't know that, I have the same board but only one SAT2 controller, thanks for the info.

This is from memory but with two cards I would get 90MB/s if the cards were in 133MHZ and 100MHZ on the outer cylinders to 60MB/s on the inner cylinders with 12+ 2TB WD-EARS.  When I added them to the 133MHZ slots only I got ~60MB/s on parity check but it remained approximately the same for the whole 2TB.  When I added a USB PCI controller on either the 133MHZ or 100MHZ slots along with a SAT2 it dropped further to ~30MB/s.



The reason is that the PHX chip (PHX on the MB layout & typo of PXH on the system block diagram in the MB manual) has two channels one 133MHZ and one 100MHZ.  The two 133MHZ slots share resources on the 133MHZ channel to the PHX chip and the two 100MHZ slots share resources on the 100MHZ channel to the PHX chip.


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