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i7-920, Phenom X3 8650, AthlonII X2 245 or ????


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I am looking for what you would do in my situation.  Hoping to use hardware I already have to beef up my unRaid server. Budget is $200-$300 for upgrades, so what would you blow spend my money on?


My original server setup isn't up to snuff with what I've started to use my unRaid server for (mainly Plex).  I don't ever see running more than two streams for transcoding.  That being said my requirement is a CPU with over a 4000 CPU mark score.  I currently have a HTPC I could canabolize thanks to plex taking over most of my media duties.  Heat/Power is a concern but not if it saves me money on hardware.  One option I've already looked at is just upgrading my current server's CPU to a Phenom X6 1055T which has a CPU mark score of 5062.  Otherwise I could canabolize my main desktop system which would be replaced by a NUC5i3RYH  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856102093 


Current setup:

Mobo: M4A89GTD https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M4A89GTD_PROUSB3/specifications/

CPU: AthlonII X2 245    65W  CPU mark  1702



Unused HTPC:

Mobo: GA-MA78GM-S2H  http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=2814#sp

CPU: Phenom X3 8650  95W  CPU mark 2018



Main Desktop:

Mobo: Intel DX58SO http://ark.intel.com/products/36888/Intel-Desktop-Board-DX58SO

CPU: i7 920      130W            CPU mark 4990









I have the GIGABYTE GA-MA785GMT-UD2H AM3 AMD 785G HDMI Micro ATX with a AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition Thuban 6-Core 3.2GHz Socket AM3 that I am converting to unraid good luck with yours.


I need to buy an additional raid card for my setup so I can add cache drive(s) to it.


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