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Motherboard Compatability List


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Hey all. First off I'd like to say that I've read the avs forum thread on Unraid, and it sounds like a great idea. I would love to give it a shot. There is one thing holding me back - the choice of compatible motherboards. I don't want to buy an already obsolete motherboard to replace my fast 2nd computer. I think if we all make a list of mobo's we've tried, or that we know will work because it can handle the big 4 requirements (as listed below) then many more people will jump on the bandwagon (good for lime tech and for the users). Find me a modern mobo that will work and I will join the list of users!


1. Gigabit Ethernet, either Intel or Marvell (Realtek 8169 available yet??)

2. Two Parallel-ATA controllers (for PATA version)

3. On-board video (so you don't need a separate video card)

4. Reliable USB2.0 boot



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this exact Gigabyte motherboard laying around which I would love to use for this project.  It's a good socket 478 board with an Intel 865PE chipset.  http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/Motherboard/Products_Overview.aspx?ProductID=1863&ModelName=GA-8IPE1000-G


Three questions:


1) Would this motherboard work?  Same chipset as your Intel choice, but does anything else matter?

2) Is this Realtek gigabit Ethernet controller compatible with UnRAID?

3) If not, what is the "perfect" recommended PCI controller that I could use in this board?



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Based on the name of this thread, I think this would be a good place to post working, non-standard-hardware configurations.  So here goes:


STATUS:  Fully Working



Model:  Intel D845GVAD2(L)

Bios:  LY84510A.86A.0043.P17.0306270645 06/27/2003

Chipset:  ICH4

FSB:  533MHz (400MHz also supported)

Processor:  2.66GHz P4

Memory:  512MB (2x256) PC2100



Onboard:  Disabled in bios, Would Not Work with unRAID (Intel 82562ET 10/100)

Add-In:  Working, Intel PRO/1000 MT PCI card



Onboard:  Working

Add-In:  (2) Promixe Ultra100 TX2 (Bios



Onboard:  None

Add-In:  None

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is another Motherboard that will work.


Gigabyte GA-81848P775-G


Socket 775 series


Chipset: Intel 848P/ICH5

Network: Marvell 8001 (10/100/1000)


No built in video.


IDE controllers: Promise Ultra133TX2



To get this to work fully, I had to do the following in the bios:


Hit Control-F1 to enable advanced Bios, then you can enable SMART for the HDD on the built in IDE controllers.

For Boot Order disable all, then it will reliably boot from the usb flashdrive.



Other than that It is working fine with a Celeron-D 831 Processor and 512MB of Ram


was a pretty inexpesive board, so if you have an old agp video card laying around, the lack of built in vide is no big deal. Otherwise a cheap $15-20 video card is all you need to add to this board.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the compatibility reports so far.  I'm ready to build an UnRaid for a friend.....Is there such a thing as a current mobo that checks ALL the boxes?


1. Gigabit Ethernet, either Intel or Marvell (Realtek 8169 available yet??)

2. Two Parallel-ATA controllers (for PATA version)

3. On-board video (so you don't need a separate video card)

4. Reliable USB2.0 boot



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Intel D865GLCLK for one. I guess I don't understand the reluctance to use this mobo. Both a friend and myself picked one up in retail unopened Intel Packaging for $70 shipped from an eBay seller (st16888).


I know this mobo may not be the most modern, but UnRaid is a purpose-built appliance, not a PC, and this model can be found readily, and inexpensively if you look.


I'm sure you can find other mobos that work, but it may not be worth the risk of possible issues.

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Intel D865GLCLK for one. I guess I don't understand the reluctance to use this mobo.
One apprehension here is a pal who twice tried to buy this mobo and ended up with one with the same (or v. similar) model number which didn't have Gig Lan.  I've seen posts from others on here who've had the same experience.  It also doesn't seem that common here in the UK.



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Yeah, you have to be really careful with Intel's model numbers, but I think it's usually predictable.  For most (if not all) of their mobos, model numbers ending in "L" have 10/100 LAN, and model numbers ending in "LK" have gigabit LAN.  Though these letters are not always *exactly* at the end.  I also see some boards with "R" and "X" in thier names, but I'm not sure what these specify.


If you work with reputable sellers and order an LK but they send you an L, they should make it right.  If you order an L instead of an LK, it's on you.  However, you can always disable onboard LAN and install a Intel Pro/1000.  I picked up an MT version on eBay for about US$20.  It's automatically detected by unRaid and works great (in a board even older than the recommended one).



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I have to agree on the LK concern, I know I was very concerned about it myslef. You never know until the box shows up, and you have to be very explicit with the seller.


I could also see availability in the UK being tough. Sorry for being a little internationally myopic  :-[

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Oh.  Sorry if I misunderstood.  I thought it was a problem ordering the right board...but it's actually a problem with the seller advertising correctly.  Ouch.  That would suck.


I'm not sure how plentiful they are Stateside.  I looked on eBay a month-or-so ago when I was going to go unRaid, and I couldn't find any, and the retailers wanted more than I was willing to pay.  I ended up ordering the software, and just crossing my fingers as I tried it on an old 845GVAD2(L) motherboard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up ordering the software last week and it arrived Friday.  I spent all Saturday and Sunday experimenting trying to get it to work on any of the AMD Motherboards I have here.  I thought I'd post the results I've gotten so far here. These are the ones I tried...



-- Closest I got was that it booted from USB Flash Drive and got continuous printing of GRUB on the screen


ASUS A7N8X Deluxe

-- Couldn't get it to boot from USB



-- Couldn't get it to boot from USB


ASUS K8V Deluxe Bios 1005 (Couldn't flash with 1011 or 1012 Beta)

--Boots from USB Flash and gets the following before locking up;


Attempt to access beyond end of drive

01:00:rw=0, want 1277180502, limit=120000

EXT2-fs error (device ramdisk(1,0)):

EXT2_check_page: bad entry in directory #37:

rec_len is smaller than minimal - offset = 1024, inode=0. rec_len=0, name_len=0

Kernel Panic: no init found.  Try passing init=option to kernel


K8T Neo MS-6702 Ver 1 (FIS2R 6702-010) - updated bios to 2.20

--Can't remember the exact error but something to the effect of;

Not a bootable drive


I'm kinda stuck on ASUS Mbs and AMD processors as you can more than likely guess.  I'm placing an order for the CM Stacker and some NetGear GS108s today.  Wish I could have gotten further with the experiments this weekend.  Don't know if I should scrap AMD for this project and just go with an ASUS P4P800 Deluxe or not.  I've got a P4P800 which is running my BeyondTV server but didn't try it over the weekend. I had enough trouble getting Windows 2003 Enterprise Server up after using the box with the A8N-VM CSM to test unRaid.


Anyone been trying AMD processors?

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I haven't jumped back to testing the usb key with my AMD motherboards yet, but I finally got it working on the P4P800 board.  It was so much fun....


The board came with the latest bios so I didn't have to flash it, however nothing I tried all night Friday and all day Saturday would get me anywhere.  Tom was fantastic, we exchanged numerous emails during the process, it was great just being able to bounce things off him.  At one point, I pulled the MB out of the stacker case thinking I had a intermittent short, that wasn't the case.


At the end, I got it to work but there were 2 variables in the equation...

1) I cleared the cmos and then went into setup and reset everything to the correct settings

2) I copied the backup I made of the usb key back on the usb key

Turned the power on and.... it worked!! Shut it down, put everything back in and it worked!!

Installed 2 WD 160g drives as a test

Formatted disk1 and then did the parity-sync


Been playing with it all day today with test files.  It is FANTASTIC!  My next step is replacing the parity drive with a 500g SATAII which should have been here yesterday but DHL screwed up... Won't be here till tomorrow (Monday).  Once that's in the box, I have to start moving all my 300g drives form the TIVOs and other workstations into the server.  Then I'll just replace the 300s with 500s or larger as I see them on sale.


I haven't ordered racks yet.  I was impressed with the 3 To 4 Bracket Module that came with the Stacker, so I ordered 2 more.  They look like they are an aid to reducing the heat, at least from the drives.  Not as easy to replace drives, but that shouldn't happen more than a few times a year.. if that.  If I stick with that solution, I may build an led panel to monitor the power and activity of the drives.


To be completely honest, I am so impressed with the unRaid, I may order another one just to test the other boards with and also to experiment with being able to join my current ad domain.  I will need to figure out some way of controlling access to the unRaid with my DVD backups.  I don't want my son to be tempted copy them.


Just thought I'd post a success story on the P4P800-E Deluxe  I'll post if I make any headway with the AMD boards.



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Here is another Motherboard that will work.


Gigabyte GA-81848P775-G


I gave up on the Asus and found one of these available here in the uK.


Spent this afternoon fitting the new Mobo & CPU (Celeron 3.06) now USB starts to boot, gets as far as a "Detecting Hardware" line, something like /etc/rc.d/hotplug.something the the PC speaker emits a constant tone and the computer goes to a Linux login prompt.  This is really beginning to get me down.  I followed the CTRL+F1 SMART enable tip and belive I have the other settings correct, I've tried verious combinations of enable Legacy USB/Keyboard etc. with no success.


Now I'm worried that I'll lose all my music & films as the UnRaid did boot a little way.


Can anyone suggest what my be wrong?






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