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Dead Drive or Dodgy Cable?


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I've been having write errors with one of my drives over the last few days. Unraid has disabled the drive because of this.

It is a WD Red 3tb and is only 2 months old.



I have a backup of all my server data so I'm not worried about losing, just trying to figure out whether it's the drive, cable, or something else causing the problems.


I Have attached a copy of the SMART extended self-test.


Anyone have any suggestions? Does the drive look stuffed or is it possibly a dodgy SATA cable?




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SMART looks good. Check connections and then I would just rebuild to the same drive.

Re-enable the drive



I powered off, checked cables and reconnected the drive then attempted the rebuild. It failed after around 5 mins. More write errors.

Ran another SMART test which came up OK again.


Took out my Cache drive from my server so I am using cable/port on this drive. Started the rebuild which just finished (after 26 hours!). Unraid shows the drive as green now.


Will keep monitoring but it looks OK at the moment.

Thanks again.


Looks like either the SATA cable has gone bad or there's something wrong with that port.


Job for another day,

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