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How much RAM required?


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I have an AMD A6-5400K on an F2A88XM-D3H, with 4Gb or ram, running 6.0 Beta12(I've been running it since the winter, haven't worried about it all summer, will upgrade to non-Beta this winter).  One processor is running 1/2 speed, the other is running full, but only at around 2% utilization when sharing files, but my memory usage is 90+%.

I'm only using this as a NAS, no dockers or KVM.

Would it be beneficial to upgrade it to 8Gb?



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That beta is probably showing all RAM usage including cached RAM.  If you update to the latest stable (6.1.3 - and you should regardless), then the display of used RAM will probably drop considerably.


And there wouldn't be any real reason to further upgrade the RAM if the system is only being used as a pure NAS

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