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getting unraid to run in a VM


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ok so basicly I want to run UnRaid inside vmworkstation for testing (I have no spare hardware I can slap together and play with).


with a bit of fiddling around I have Unraid booted but its bugging out with connecting to the NIC and just looping back on itself.


I have tried bridged, NAT and host only (all of which work fine on every other VM I have)


Basicly im stuck with what I can do. I can access unaids cmd line but I don't want that. Trying to connect to 'http://tower' is a waste of time because unraid is not connecting onto the network.

is there something that I need to change to get unraid to start talking on the network.


Any help would be hugely appreciated :)

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There are plenty of people who run unRAID under VMWare without issues.  I must admit this is the first time I have heard of anyone having problems getting the network to come up when running unRAID under VMWare.  I would suggest that you are more likely to get help if you posted in the Virtualising unRAID section of the forum.


Oh thank you!! I honestly did do a search but more or less came up with nothing. I will have a closer look through that area.


To be honest it's rather weird for me as well. Both windows and linux have never had a problem connecting to the network.

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There are plenty of people who run unRAID under VMWare without issues.  I must admit this is the first time I have heard of anyone having problems getting the network to come up when running unRAID under VMWare.  I would suggest that you are more likely to get help if you posted in the Virtualising unRAID section of the forum.


Oh thank you!! I honestly did do a search but more or less came up with nothing. I will have a closer look through that area.


To be honest it's rather weird for me as well. Both windows and linux have never had a problem connecting to the network.

One limitation of VMWare Workstation (at least I think it is still a limitation) is that you cannot pass through physical disks that are larger than 2TB to a VM.  This means VMWare can be excellent when testing but is a limitation one needs of.
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