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Cache drive options


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What do you have in mind for cache? Are you planning to use addons (dockers, VMs, plugins) on it, using it to cache user shares, or both? If you're not caching a lot of user share writes each day, small inexpensive SSDs are faster and probably have enough space.


If you just want to use the laptop drives anyway check their SMART to see how healthy they are, maybe even preclear each to test.


Depends on the exact sizes whether it would make much sense to use more than one of them in a cache pool.

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What do you have in mind for cache? Are you planning to use addons (dockers, VMs, plugins) on it, using it to cache user shares, or both? If you're not caching a lot of user share writes each day, small inexpensive SSDs are faster and probably have enough space.


If you just want to use the laptop drives anyway check their SMART to see how healthy they are, maybe even preclear each to test.


Depends on the exact sizes whether it would make much sense to use more than one of them in a cache pool.


To be honest i just got my server up and running, with the trial,I want to see how it all works, plus i have mixed sized drives laying around, i am playing and learning, future goals will include Plex,back up of personal vidio and pictures and some sort of back for phone picture, maybe own cloud or something, I am not to familiar with dockers, VM and plugin,  Still trying to figure out the difference between docker and plug in!!


I have :

80gb,80gb,120,250,sata laptop drives

120gb,250gb,500gb,500gb, 1tb sata, desktop drives


server now has parity drive 4tb, drive1-4tb,drive2 500gb


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... with the trial ... server now has parity drive 4tb, drive1-4tb,drive2 500gb

You already have the maximum devices for trial.


yes i know i am gathering the info for my build, i know the ssd are best but just thinking about these extra laptop drive do i really want to mount them in the array? vs use as a cache pool?

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