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How to configure default network adapter?


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Hi guys! I'm just getting started with unRaid, and I'm still learning. I've done a bit of searching, but haven't found the correct combination of search terms to figure this out. Thanks for any help you can provide.


I'm planning on passing some PCIe network cards to a VM for a pfSense box. (There is a lot of info on this around, so I don't think I'll have trouble with that part. and yes, I understand the downsides to running pfSense in a VM)


The trouble I'm running into is that I cannot by default choose which of my NICs unRaid uses. For example, when I have no additional cards installed, Unraid uses my onboard NIC. When I have one PCIe NIC installed, unraid defaults to it. When I have two or more PCIe NICs installed unraid defaults to the second PCIe NIC. (currently have 3 cards installed)


Is there any way I can override this behavior and make unRaid always use the onboard NIC? I'd like to maximize my PCIe slots available for future expansion, rather than waste one on a duplicate NIC. Plus I'd like to be able to use two side by side slots for the VM, which right now would get split by the unRaid NIC.


tl;dr: Can I set a default Network Controller for unRaid to use, to reduce confusion, and free up other slots for VM usage?


Thanks again for any info or links on the subject.


Mods: I'm a new user, please forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong section and move it if needed!


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