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[SOLVED] Cannot connect through SMB using user root


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The first time I installed unRAID in a VM and tested it, I could login as root through SMB. However, now my password is always rejected, both on all my Windows machines and through an Ubuntu VM.


Connecting through ssh, sftp or ftp works fine.

Guest account also works fine.

I can view the folders and edit the public folders just fine as guest, both through the server's name and it's IP.

However, using username root will always fail on any system.


Any ideas? I've tried clearing credentials in Windows, and using SERVERNAME\root as login, both without success. I've also tried connecting directly through the IP.

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unRAID hasn't supported root logins via SMB in a long long time. You must have used an ancient version in your VM.


Ah... figured it was something like this, but I swear I remember logging in as root the first time I tried it, must have misremembered.

Anyway, I set up a separate account and everything works fine!

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