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Looking for Optimal docker setup for sonarr/private tracker


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I currently have a mess of a setup with running Sonarr and Deluge for torrent downloads.


Sonarr and Deluge are working great with a private tracker. Sonarr searches, sends to Deluge, Deluge finishes (and extracts rars), then Sonarr copies the extracted file to my array in the appropriate location.


The issue occurs after Deluge finishes the download. It will automatically delete all of the archive files and sometimes even show .fuse_hidden***** files in the removed files places. This obviously stops the seeding process and it killing my ratio.


Does anyone know of a good docker set up that can fix these issues or if you are having the same issue what you have done to fix it?


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The problem is in your settings for Sonarr. What's happening is when Sonarr finishes copying the extracted file to the array its removing the torrent from the download client.


Open Sonarr, go to Settings>Download Client


Make sure "Advanced Settings" are set to "Shown".


Look for the "Complete Download Handling" and set "Remove" to "No".


You will have to manually delete your seeded files when you see fit going forward.

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The problem is in your settings for Sonarr. What's happening is when Sonarr finishes copying the extracted file to the array its removing the torrent from the download client.


Open Sonarr, go to Settings>Download Client


Make sure "Advanced Settings" are set to "Shown".


Look for the "Complete Download Handling" and set "Remove" to "No".


You will have to manually delete your seeded files when you see fit going forward.


This has been set to "No" ever since I started to user Sonarr. The issue is definitely not Sonarr because it happens when the Sonarr docker is turned off and is not scanning anything. I can manually start a download in Deluge and it will happen when Sonarr is off.


The most confusing part is no logs (from Sonarr or Deluge) point to what is going on.

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All downloads should be pointed to a download share that is cache only. Otherwise mover will mess with the files each night.


I think this is maybe what has happened. Since then, I have made two shares (one for movie download and the other for tv show downloads). I disabled cache drive use because I really don't need the read/write speed for seeding purposes.


I will let this run for a few days and see how it works.

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