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[SOLVED] Stuck rsync process - CTRL+C nor CTRL+Z do anything


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I've been copying gobs of data from one server to the other, but for some reason, the latest rsync command got stuck as "sending incremental file list".  After a few minutes of no activity, I hit CTRL+C to stop the process.  Nothing happens except for me seeing ^C repeatedly on the screen.


Same for CTRL+Z or CTRL+\.


http://tower responds fine and loads the web UI, so the server isn't hung or anything weird.


I'm connected via IPMI on a remote console redirection using jviewer on windows.  Any suggestions?

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I've been copying gobs of data from one server to the other, but for some reason, the latest rsync command got stuck as "sending incremental file list".  After a few minutes of no activity, I hit CTRL+C to stop the process.  Nothing happens except for me seeing ^C repeatedly on the screen.


Same for CTRL+Z or CTRL+\.


http://tower responds fine and loads the web UI, so the server isn't hung or anything weird.


I'm connected via IPMI on a remote console redirection using jviewer on windows.  Any suggestions?


So I am assuming you just want to KILL it. IF it is that and nothing else, I would do this:


- Telnet into the Server


- Search for Rsync Processes


ps -ef | grep rsync


This will find the running Rsync processes on the unRAID server. You will be able to tell which one you want to KILL. Note the PID from the second column of the process line.


An example of the output (Note this is for runsv as I don't have rsync running - but you get the idea):


root     24782 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv sshd
root     24783 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv syslog-forwarder
root     24784 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv syslog-ng
root     24785 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv znc
root     32359 31739  0 15:19 pts/2    00:00:00 grep runs


In this case "Say" I want to KILL "runsv znc" the PID I would grab would be 24785.


- Kill the selected Rsync process


kill <PID> #PID being the number you noted from the step above


If for whatever reason that doesn't work, you can pass the -9 switch in to FORCE the process to be killed.


kill -9 <PID> #PID being the number you noted from the step above


Hope this helps.

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I've been copying gobs of data from one server to the other, but for some reason, the latest rsync command got stuck as "sending incremental file list".  After a few minutes of no activity, I hit CTRL+C to stop the process.  Nothing happens except for me seeing ^C repeatedly on the screen.


Same for CTRL+Z or CTRL+\.


http://tower responds fine and loads the web UI, so the server isn't hung or anything weird.


I'm connected via IPMI on a remote console redirection using jviewer on windows.  Any suggestions?


So I am assuming you just want to KILL it. IF it is that and nothing else, I would do this:


- Telnet into the Server


- Search for Rsync Processes


ps -ef | grep rsync


This will find the running Rsync processes on the unRAID server. You will be able to tell which one you want to KILL. Note the PID from the second column of the process line.


An example of the output (Note this is for runsv as I don't have rsync running - but you get the idea):


root     24782 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv sshd
root     24783 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv syslog-forwarder
root     24784 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv syslog-ng
root     24785 24780  0 Mar22 ?        00:00:00 runsv znc
root     32359 31739  0 15:19 pts/2    00:00:00 grep runs


In this case "Say" I want to KILL "runsv znc" the PID I would grab would be 24785.


- Kill the selected Rsync process


kill <PID> #PID being the number you noted from the step above


If for whatever reason that doesn't work, you can pass the -9 switch in to FORCE the process to be killed.


kill -9 <PID> #PID being the number you noted from the step above


Hope this helps.


Perfect. Worked!

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