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Help getting end-to-end torrent automation working (Deluge, Sonarr, etc)


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1. Want to use my Windows desktop like I do today to browse private torrent sites and initiate downloads. This is for both TV and Movies. 

2. Instead of downloading them locally on my Windows PC and copying to Unraid, I want all the downloading to happen on the unraid botx.

3. Furthermore, after downloads are done, I want to put them them on a single disk in the array for seeding, but get "automation" to happen to place it in the proper media


What I have working so far:


1. Automated TV Show downloads with Sonarr and NZBGet: Sonarr and NZBGet are both running (dockers) and work together. Sonarr monitors shows and can download automatically using NZBget, shows get moved to the right TV folders (/mnt/user/media-tv/tv/<show>).  This also works for manually selected shows within Sonarr.


2. Manual downloads from Windows desktop: I have the nzbget-chrome extension running on my Windows desktop machine, which can queue to NZBGet on my unraid server and correctly downloads. I'm using the NZBGet category settings to correctly move completed downlaods to the right movie/tv folders.


3. Deluge installed, can download torrents: I have Deluge installed in a docker on unraid and it can download torrents seemingly fine.  I'm able to also queue them up from my Windows desktop using the Remote Torrent Adder chrome extension.    These are my mappings:




I have these Deluge settings.  Note that I have 2 labels setup ("tv" and "movies") with move settings to get the tv/movie files into the right places in my user shares:







What I don't have working / Questions:

Verifying the correct understanding of all the apps

Is this understanding correct of each app? I'm pretty certain it is, but want to verify.


Deluge: Torrent client

NZBGet: Usenet download client

Sonarr: Watches for TV shows on torrent sites or usenet, integrates with NZBget to do the downloads. Also can rename files.

Couchpotato: Same as Sonarr, but for Movies


Complete e2e automation for Torrents, ending with couchpotato and plex

As mentioned above, I have Deluge working to download torrents, but the e2e workflow isn't quite there. I'm using labels to get some automation using 2 labels (tv, movies) as mentioned and shown above).


It seems like something is off because torrents don't end up in the right places that I expect them to, and sometimes the torrents seam to totally disappear.  My goal is to have a separate are (/mnt/disk3/torrents/seeds) where I'm seeding torrents for the minimum time the trackers need me to, while still getting the final movie/tv show into the place where it belongs on my user shares (with cleaned up filenames and in the right folder structure).


I also in the end want to have deluge be a catching point for various torrents to get downloaded, then route them to the right place.  I then want Couchpotato to scan for changes, then do it's magic and notify plex so it can update the library.


Am I doing too much with deluge and should rely on couchpotato more to do the moving? What's wrong with my setup?


Best way to handle manual download case (Windows PC-->Unraid NZBget)?

For #2 above, is using NZBGet categories the right way to handle manual downloads I kick off from my desktop PC (vs. the unraid server automatically kicking it off Sonarr-->NZBget)?  When I kick a download off manually, it will copy the file to the right location, but Sonarr isn't involved in any way so my shows aren't renamed correctly.  I have to go into Sonarr to invoke the file renamer. It only takes a few clicks but it's a manual step I want to avoid.  I'm thinking something like Windows PC-->Unraid NZBGet-->copy to right user share-->notifies Sonarr which kicks off renamer.  Is this even possible?


Note: I could avoid this case by always using the Sonarr webUI to kick off the downloads, but I'm trying to handle all possible cases.




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Plex does update then a movies/tv show is added by itself.


Waht are not working, to download and put finished torrents to /data-final or to movie them somewhere else?


Movies are correctly put in /data-final/movies, so looks like my config of the label handling is right. 


First problem is that the .torrent file is always named "file.torrent" and put in /data-final/.  Right directory, but useless filename. I would've expected it to have the original name (e.g. SomeMovie.2016.x264.foo.bar.torrent) which I see if I was to download the torrent directly on my windows desktop.  How do I get the original .torrent file name so there's no stomping on successive downloads?

Update: Figured out the problem was the "Remote Torrent Adder" extension, which always used file.torrent filename.  I switched to the DelugeSiphon plugin and the original filename was passed through.


Second problem is that I can't get the movie to /mnt/user/media-movies/movies, without affecting the seeding.  Couchpotato is finding the files in /data-final/movies, and moving it to the user share for movies. I really want Couchpotato to not move it, and instead just copy it with the new name so my seeding is unaffected.

Update: Found solution! Couchpotato settings has an option for move/copy/link, and default is "move". 


Now this leaves this last question I had in my original post about how to get NZBGet and Sonarr to work properly.  Do I use NZBGet categories to specify to move it into the proper folder (mnt/user/media-tv/tv/) or do I have NZBGet put it into a generic completed downloaded folder (e.g. /mnt/user/downloads-completed), and let Sonarr monitor that folder and do the moving and renaming?  I currently have "Completed Downloaded handling" enabled in Sonarr for NZBGet.



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Sonarr does monitor the /data folder, I dont know what you have set it too from unraid, but I would guess to want it to /mnt/user/downloads-completed. When sonarr when notice a new file there, it will import it.


Stupid config problem, got it working for monitoring. Duh.


For deluge TV torrents, I can get the files to /data-final/tv, but want something to monitor that folder to move into the correct folder for TV.  I'll start another thread for it since this thread is largely solved by my stupidity :)

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