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Access VM


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Following Jon's videotutorial I have setup a Win10VM.

The machine is up and running with no problem.

But now I want to connect to this vm and I'm unable.


On unraid VMs I have:  Windows 10 - CPUs (2) - Memory (4096) - Hard Drives (1/50.00GB) - VNC Port (5900)


If I press on this Windows 10 icon on VMs : VNC Remote I get a new window (the same I used to install windows) where I have:

HOST: (The static IP unraid has)

PORT: 5700 (Why 5700 if on the properties I see port 5900?)



I think I left the password blank when configuring the new vm. Is it possible that this is the problem?

Can I add now a password?


*** SOLVED ***

Stop vm and add password.


I have also tried with "TightVNC with no luck also.


But with another program (Terminals 3.6.1) on RDP port 3389, my windows user and password I can get access.


What is the difference between VNC and RDP?

Why I can't connect with VNC?

What 's the way to connect to this VM from internet?



Any help will be greatly appreciated.







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Following Jon's videotutorial I have setup a Win10VM.

The machine is up and running with no problem.

But now I want to connect to this vm and I'm unable.


On unraid VMs I have:  Windows 10 - CPUs (2) - Memory (4096) - Hard Drives (1/50.00GB) - VNC Port (5900)


If I press on this Windows 10 icon on VMs : VNC Remote I get a new window (the same I used to install windows) where I have:

HOST: (The static IP unraid has)

PORT: 5700 (Why 5700 if on the properties I see port 5900?)



I think I left the password blank when configuring the new vm. Is it possible that this is the problem?

Can I add now a password?


*** SOLVED ***

Stop vm and add password.


I have also tried with "TightVNC with no luck also.


But with another program (Terminals 3.6.1) on RDP port 3389, my windows user and password I can get access.


What is the difference between VNC and RDP?

Why I can't connect with VNC?

What 's the way to connect to this VM from internet?



Any help will be greatly appreciated.

When using TightVNC you use 59?? but when you connect with the unRAID "VNC Remote" GUI it shows 57?? where ?? is the order your VMs are booted up.  Most likely because the unRAID "VNC Remote" is a web browser based connection and TightVNC is not.



RDP = microsoft developed protocol built into Windows OS's from XP? on and hacked onto other platforms (xRDP for linux).

VNC = non-microsoft protocol that has implementations on all platforms.



For me VNC is not as fluid when connecting Windows to Windows VM so I use the built in RDP protocol.  I use VNC for connections that involve Linux on either end.


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When using TightVNC you use 59?? but when you connect with the unRAID "VNC Remote" GUI it shows 57?? where ?? is the order your VMs are booted up.  Most likely because the unRAID "VNC Remote" is a web browser based connection and TightVNC is not.


But then this is not an exact science? and the port can vary?

(Unraid showing VNC Port 5900 and the vnc client unraid use to connect to this machine 5700)

Only are used 2 ports (5700/5900) ? or can be a lot more?


Is it possible to access this vm from another location using vnc/rcp?

If yes, then I have to map this port on my router to point to unraid machine ( but if this port changes I have to open a wide series of ports and thats not the better option.


Is there another/better option to access this vm from outside? better if it is encrypted.


I know there are a lot of questions but I'm new to unraid and trust me I have been reading a lot this past month... and unraid is not as easy !!! too many options/features !!!





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When using TightVNC you use 59?? but when you connect with the unRAID "VNC Remote" GUI it shows 57?? where ?? is the order your VMs are booted up.  Most likely because the unRAID "VNC Remote" is a web browser based connection and TightVNC is not.


But then this is not an exact science? and the port can vary?

(Unraid showing VNC Port 5900 and the vnc client unraid use to connect to this machine 5700)

Only are used 2 ports (5700/5900) ? or can be a lot more?


Is it possible to access this vm from another location using vnc/rcp?

If yes, then I have to map this port on my router to point to unraid machine ( but if this port changes I have to open a wide series of ports and thats not the better option.


Is there another/better option to access this vm from outside? better if it is encrypted.


I know there are a lot of questions but I'm new to unraid and trust me I have been reading a lot this past month... and unraid is not as easy !!! too many options/features !!!



The default is to use the next free port when the VM starts (in the 59xx range for VNC clients, and the 57xx range for. VNC Remote via a browser.  if you use the Edit XML option then you can change the port to be used for either VNC client from outside unRAID or for the VNC Remote option via a browse and set up a fixed value.


As has been mentioned you normally get better performance by using RDP from inside the VM.  In this case one would normally have the VM set up to get its own IP address on the LAN and use the default port for RDP of 3389.

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The default is to use the next free port when the VM starts (in the 59xx range for VNC clients, and the 57xx range for. VNC Remote via a browser.  if you use the Edit XML option then you can change the port to be used for either VNC client from outside unRAID or for the VNC Remote option via a browse and set up a fixed value.


As has been mentioned you normally get better performance by using RDP from inside the VM.  In this case one would normally have the VM set up to get its own IP address on the LAN and use the default port for RDP of 3389.


Thankyou @itimpi and @BobPhoenix for this great support.


Al configured and running.

Finally opted for "Microsoft Remote Desktop" under Mac OS with great performance.

Had to enter a static IP to see some of the other computers/shares on the net and unraid. Once done working like a charm.


Now I have to find a way to connect to this vm from outside.

Tomorrow will try "Microsoft Remote Desktop" from work to see if works and what is the performance.


Is enough "Microsoft Remote Desktop" or is a better solution like logmein or similar?



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  • 1 month later...
I don't connect to my system from outside at all so cannot tell you.


If anyone is interested is as simple a use Microsoft RDP and enter your "exterior" ip:port

In my case xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3389


What I don't remember now but assume it has to be done, is open port 3389 on router and point to the "static" ip the VM has.



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