Learning Docker Creation


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Personally as i create docker containers as part of my work. Via autoamted builds.


1. You will need to first understand the docker toolchain and structure

2. Understand "dockerfile" and how it is used to build a docker image (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/)

3. Lots of linux command line, for whatever specifically you want to do. With number 2.


The dockerfile reference is what i am constantly referring for all its command.


It will also greatly help if you have the docker toolchain installed on your local machine, so you can rapidly iterate on modify / testing the dockerfile build process.


Note however, rapid is subjective here, due to how "long" it takes for some of this dockerfile images to build. Rapidly, is similar to programming 10 years + ago. Where you sometimes sit for 2 minutes and wait for your "dockerfile code to compile".


Still its generally much faster then uploading the docker file to docker hub and triggering the automatic build.

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