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Painfully Slow Performance


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I am brand new to unRAID, but have what I feel is more-than-adequate brand new hardware: Lenovo TS140 i3 3.5Ghz, 4gb RAM, 3x6TB WD Red drives (2 data, 1 parity), and 1x480Gb SanDisk Ultra II SSD.  Yet activities on the NAS are just painfully slow.  I am certainly hoping it is my setup, because quite honestly, it is useless as is.  Here are a few examples:


1) Adding 126 RAW photos (each ~45mb) from my SD card into Lightroom, with a folder stored 1 of the data disks, took ~1 hour.  Those same 126 files being imported to my Mac's internal SSD took ~1 minute.


2) Organizing files in iTunes (following moving my iTunes media files over to the NAS) is still running and only ~1/2 complete after ~14 hours.


3) Extracting RAR files is pretty much impossible.  I've tried several 8-10Gb 1080p movies and ~1Gb 720 TV shows, but have had to cancel since they just were not progressing.


Any advice on where to start troubleshooting?


Thanks in advance, John

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