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Upgrade v5 to v6


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Hello All,


We recently sold our house and while packing the house I shutdown my Unraid v5 and remember having a great idea on where to safely store the OS USB stick.  Sadly I can not for the life of me remember where that great idea was.  Good thing is I have all configuration well documented so worst case I can rebuild a v5 easy enough.  Anyway to get to my question.


It is my understanding that I can build Unraid v6 stick and setup my old configuration.  Basically I am terrified about losing my data that is on the drives and needed to come here to get some confirmation.  If I understood what I read correctly, it is possible to switch back and forth with v5 and v6 if you are not running one of the new file formats.  This makes me believe I should be fine to build a new v6 OS stick and setup my drives/shares and retain all my data.


Am I correct in my ASSumptions?





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Yes, you are correct.  If you were smart enough to have made a backup copy of that Flash Drive, you are even further ahead.  You will need a new License Key File, see here for that:




You can start with either ver 5 or ver 6, they are enough alike that your printout of the settings will get ver 6 up and running.  (I would personally skip ver 5 and install the staple version of 6.1.9)  The only caution point is to make double sure that you assign the correct disk (done by the drive's serial number) to both the parity drive position and cache drive (if you had one).  The actual assignment of the data drives doesn't make any difference but checking the serial numbers to make sure everything matches your documentation is a convenient double check. 


IF anything requires a format after you assign it,  STOP and get advice before proceeding.


Here is the link to the Upgrade WIKI:




Note that virtually 100% of all version 5 plugins are incompatible with version 6.  However, that should not be a problem for you as you will be starting with a new Flash Drive...



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