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Plans for extending my unRAID build


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I have now completed my initial unRAID install and data migration, and stabilised the installation. The server now holds all my Pictures, PVR-recordings, Music etc.


I now look towards consolidating my other always-on needs on the box. It is primarily the following:


a) Weather server/datalogger. Using WeatherDisplay. It is a requirement to have the COM-port is available, as it is used for logging interface.


For this I will have to install a Windows VMWare guest. Even though an experimental linux version exists, neither it nor me is there yet. I guess the looooong VMWare thread install thread here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=862 is where I will find info on that (quite a mouthful). Anything I need to do to enable the COM-port and make it available in the VM-Windows?


b) Subsonic server


And lo and behold - Subsonic has already a detailed installation HowTo for native unRAID. Nice :-) So this just installs as per the description in this thread I assume: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=4700


c) uTorrent client


uTorrent --> unTorrent. You guys have the bases covered :-) This is the description I'm aiming to use: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=4900 That's the current authorative thread?


d) I got a used APC BackUps CS 350 (virtually unused for 20$), and would also like to integrate that into the server for intelligent power down in power outage situations.


APC support. I assume the thread here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=3688 has the answers?


If any of these assumptions do not hold true, please let let me know. Other tips and hints are also very welcome :-)

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Thanks Bubbaq. I have seen that one such version exists. But at least the remark about me not being "there" yet still stands  ;)


Getting image downloads from webcam and movie generation running, not to speak of me getting all the stuff loaded into the correct libraries, compiled and whatnot is just too much of a mouthful right now.  :-\ And I'm depending on the serial interface for my Lacrosse weather station, even though I'll be expanding with Dallas OneWire stuff this spring which will be USB.


Maybe when I get my first merit badge in Linux by getting the other things running, I'll make a stab at it. But the leap to that kind of installation is just too far just now...


Have you got website updates and everything running, or just local stuff?

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