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Upgrading empty data drive from array with no parity protection


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I have several unraid servers all running fine

One of them, I chose not to have a parity drive as the data isnt that important, but there is a lot of it...

Anyway, the array is currently made up of a 5tb drive, a 4 tb drive, a 2tb drive and a 250gb drive.

Its a N54l microserver ad the 250gb drive was the drive that comes with the server from HP and for whatever reason I never removed it.  Its part of the array, however is not included on any of the shares and is therefore empty of my data.


Is there anyway to remove this drive and replace it with a new 4tb drive I have just had delivered, or will it knacker the whole array.  If it will knacker the array, then I can add it on the 5th sata port but Il need to swap the ODD out of the server and swap it for a caddy, but Id rather not do that now if I can help it...


Thanks in advance for any replies

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Let me just elaborate a little more:


-Shutdown server

-Swap disks

-Power on, array won't start because of missing disk, go to Tools -> New config, reassign all disks as data disks including the new one, start array

-You'll  need to format the new disk to begin using it, all other data/shares will remain as it was

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