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Performance issues with i5 6600k, GeForce 970 and SeaBios/Q35?


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This may be a difficult question to answer but the only configuration I found that would produce video output while using the below hardware is as follows:


  • Windows 8 template w/ Windows 8.1 ISO
  • SeaBios
  • Q35 machine type
  • Hyper-V extensions OFF
  • GPU ROM file path supplied in XML


Everything else I've tried results in loss of video - it does not appear that the VMs crash and the log output doesn't provide insight into any issues. With the above configuration it works and I have yet to encounter a specific issue but is this configuration appropriate and should I expect to encounter any issues with this? It will take me a considerable amount of time setting up this guest and if possible I'd like to get some reassurance about stability/performance before I invest time into it.



Relevant Hardware


TypeMake & ModelSpecifications

ProcessorIntel i5 6600Khttps://ark.intel.com/products/88191/Intel-Core-i5-6600K-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_90-GHz

MotherboardASUS SABERTOOTH Z170 Shttps://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/SABERTOOTH-Z170-S/specifications/

GPUGeForce GTX 970 AMP! Omegahttps://www.zotac.com/nl/product/graphics_card/gtx-970-amp-omega

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