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Just Help please :D


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Ok so I don't know how this could happen, but when I wanted to delete a folder using Transmit (Mac FTP Client) I accidentally had the whole disk selected as well... it took me just a few seconds to recognize what just happened, I aborted the deletion, but a lot of data is gone.


So please tell me if there is a way to restore that data, because I cause parity won't help.


"Luckily" it was mainly my media folder, so nothing I couldn't get again, but still very quite painful...

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Ok so I don't know how this could happen, but when I wanted to delete a folder using Transmit (Mac FTP Client) I accidentally had the whole disk selected as well... it took me just a few seconds to recognize what just happened, I aborted the deletion, but a lot of data is gone.


So please tell me if there is a way to restore that data, because I cause parity won't help.


"Luckily" it was mainly my media folder, so nothing I couldn't get again, but still very quite painful...


Add your diagnostics.. I will not be the person who can help you, others are, but diagnostics will be needed. People will need to know what filesystem you have for your data drives..

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