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Where to put vm disks?


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I'm a little bit confused. I've read more than once that my vm disks should stay on the cache drive, which is of course formatted as BTRFS. On the other side I have read that the vm disk shouldn't be on a BTRFS formatted disk but on a XFS formatted one.


So where should I place my vm disks?

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If cache is a single device it can also be xfs, btrfs is only mandatory for cache pools, as to where to put your VMs, btrfs is not recommended for vdisks on HDDs, due to high fragmentation caused by copy-on-write, it's not an issue for SSDs, besides that, each has other pro/cons, among them:


-xfs is considerad more stable and it has better recovery tools

-btrfs has snapshots, they can make instant vdisk copys and together with btrfs send/receive used to create vdisk incremental backups

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