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Automatic file mover


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Hello and allow me to explain my question.


I use dropbox as a 'bridge' between my mobile phone and my windows VM to move my pics taken with my phone.

A small windows program called 'DropIt' moves any *jpeg file detected in my dropbox folder to my unraid server.


I works but the windows VM needs alot of recources just for moving around a few files. There are many SYNC tools in the CA but i can't find any simple automatic file MOVER. I need to MOVE (not SYNC) them because the free dropbox folder is too small in terms of GB's.

This can probablly be done by a simple script but i'm not familiar with the cli. Is there a docker or plugin that i overlooked? Or maybe another way to do this? Rsync perhaps?


Thanks in advance.



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  • 1 month later...
On 23-2-2017 at 7:06 PM, trurl said:

Take a look at the User Scripts plugin and its forum threads.


Okay, it took me a while to figure out how this works but i got it up and running!


Behold, my first script:

echo "Moving all jpg files to local array..."
mv /mnt/user/Documents/Dropbox/Camera-uploads/*.jpg /mnt/user/Fotos/Mobile_uploads/

Yes, i'm a newby... but a happy one :)

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