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What is a recommended 'legal' application to make a 'archive' of your Xbox games


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Hi. Thanks for all your help on the 'Recommended free DVD archiving application' topic (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=5575.0). I'm deciding to buy a full version on AnyDVD HD (Pending approval from the missus ;) ). I raise another questino and thought I'd post a new thread seeing it is slightly a different topic. I have a few Xbox games and would like to make a legal archive, not to distribute, not to bit torrent, just a archive for myself in the instance these discs get damaged, as they do. Any recommendations on an application (free or paid) that can do this with ease? Thanks.



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None exist.


There are none that will produce a compatible backup that will play in a UNMODIFIED xbox 1 or xbox 360 console. All of them require you to modify the console. This typically involves flashing the firmware of the optical drive in the console. The newer optical drives involve further steps such as cutting traces and soldering bypass routes.


Of the ones used on the pc side to make the backups, the typical favorites seem to be a PC Kreon Drive with custom firmware or a Mode 0800 firmware on a console optical drive.

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