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Blinking Cursor on Boot


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I upgraded my motherboard, cpu and ram. I to a GA H-170-N Wifi. It is a board that I read others in the forum had no issues with.


However, when I put the flash drive i've been using in to boot, after the bios splash page I just get a blinking cursor and it never fully boots.


I tried the drive back in the old system and a in a virtualbox and it works fine. I believe it must be a setting I am missing in the bios, I disabled the UEFI and set the drive to FFD. I get the option in the boot menu to boot to UEFI:SANDISK and SANDISK. I make sure that SANDISK is set as the priority and I have manually selected to boot from it as well, same result. 


If I use UEFI one it goes straight back to the bios. The motherboard is fully functional as I have a windows drive I can boot and run form it without issue.


Any help would be excellent! 

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Use a USB 2.0 slot and don't select the 'UEFI:' option for the USB flash.  Plug in the flash drive in USB 2.0 slot and reboot/turn on and go into BIOS.  Under boot option priorities you should be able to see a menu of connected devices (press Enter?) and select the non-UEFI option for the flash drive.  May have to restore defaults if you have changed a lot during the troubleshooting process.

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1 hour ago, unevent said:

Use a USB 2.0 slot and don't select the 'UEFI:' option for the USB flash.  Plug in the flash drive in USB 2.0 slot and reboot/turn on and go into BIOS.  Under boot option priorities you should be able to see a menu of connected devices (press Enter?) and select the non-UEFI option for the flash drive.  May have to restore defaults if you have changed a lot during the troubleshooting process.

Thank you for the reply. I have tried each of your suggestions. I have tried all usb ports on the motherboard. Same result. 


Any other place to turn?

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25 minutes ago, Benson said:

set the drive to FFD ? I think you means FDD (emulating USB-FDD).

I don't think emulating USB-FDD was correct. In general, I always let it be default AUTO, never touch this setting.

Thank you both for your help. Auto didn't work for me, but hard drive did. I am up and running! Thanks for pointing me to the issue. 

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