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SMBD: high CPU utilization after server reboot or client standby


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Short summary:

The CPU utilization of the SMBD process on unRAID goes way up after A) re-powering my desktop computer from standby or B) rebooting the Server - but there seems to be no traffic or any other "workload" from samba clients



  • Have unRAID Shares mounted permanently (via fstab) on Linux Desktop
  • Option A) Send Desktop to standby - power on after some time (can't be reproduced every time, may have to do with standby time)
  • Option B) reboot Server via Webgui while desktop computer running
    • having any file explorer open on a share during standby - or not - doesn't make a difference
  • CPU utilization on unRAID goes up. According to "top" smbd is hogging around 70% CPU 
    • On the desktop computer utilization is low as usual, nothing indicating a cause
  • Utilization goes down ONLY after I access an unRAID share

Around the time I powered on the desktop computer (triggering the problem) syslog only showed one entry:

May 14 18:13:38 HSmini emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog

Attached diagnostics zip is rather small since I tested rebooting...


System Details:

unRAID Version 6.3.3

Hardware: I3-4170, Asus H97i plus, 8GB RAM, Samsung SSD 840 Pro as Cache, 2 x 2,5" HDDs (500GB WD Scorpio & 4TB Seagate Drive) as array, no parity drive

Installed Plugins: Community Applications (Auto Updates, Backup, Cleanup), unassigned devices, user scripts, dynamix webgui

Desktop computer: Linux Mint XFCE 18.1 (=Ubuntu 16.04)


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The problem seems to be directly related to my desktop computer, since a server reboot with the computer off does not cause the problem.

Still, my computer doesn't cause a high load on samba on my synology NAS.


Does nobody have an idea? At least as to where or what to look for? 

I really dislike having to spin up a drive just to lower the cpu load.

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I googled SMBD and, from what I can see, it is a process that runs the SMB process as a client service on a Linux VM.  So you should be looking at the VM and be sure that you have it setup correctly.  You also say that (apparently) the SMBD utilization drops back after you access an unRAID share.  Again, this would seem to implicate that VM client...


I do not run any VM's so I am not the best person to attempt to assist you.  You might want to sure the sub-forums of this forum that discuss VM's in more detail..

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Thanks for your reply


I assumed smbd is just samba on the server side.

Sorry, I kinda forgot to simply write what I'm implying:

My linux desktop computer causes a high workload on the unraid samba server, but there is neither anything noticeable going on on the client, nor is the same happening to another samba server on a NAS (from which my computer also has shares mounted).


Anyway, there are no VMs involved. I am running some Docker containers, but stopping them does not make a difference.

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