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appdata = cache full


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I started having issues with the Headphones docker which is when I realized that by cache disk is full.

I don't actually cache any shares on this unRaid build as there is nothing that is write performance sensitive so the cache is used only for appdata, domains, and system all three of which are Cache Only.

The problem is appdata which is up to 80GB on a 120GB SSD.

I thought the problem was CrashPlan so I deleted the docker and the corresponding appdata folder for CrashPlan but it did not solve the problem. 

I can't find any huge files by just randomly looking.

The dockers I have are binhex-couchpatato, binhex-delugevpn, google-musicmanager, jacket, musicbrainz, NZBGet, plex, Sonarr, and syncthing.

Is it normal to have 80GB of use from these?

If no then what is the best route to finding the problem and fixing it?

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Set appdata share cache to prefer to start out. If it overruns it'll spill onto the array until you get your appdata under control. You must have some apps dumping to it eating the space. 


Also so check your docker image file space on the dashboard page. Is it full?

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Thank you for the response.

The issue is Plex. When I was looking for the docker image file space (couldn't find it) I ended up discovering that Community Applications was not updated to the most recent version. Once I updated it I noticed a Docker Resource Monitor that among other things will calculate how much space in the appdata a docker is using. Plex is at 72.36GB

Now that I know it is Plex any suggestions on how to proceed?

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Thank you for the response.

The issue is Plex. When I was looking for the docker image file space (couldn't find it) I ended up discovering that Community Applications was not updated to the most recent version. Once I updated it I noticed a Docker Resource Monitor that among other things will calculate how much space in the appdata a docker is using. Plex is at 72.36GB

Now that I know it is Plex any suggestions on how to proceed?

I had a similar issue, I just moved the Plex directory to a drive and was done with it. My cache drive is only 250gb and Plex was eating over 1/2 of it. Now I just have one drive that is permanently spun up.

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That is what I am in the progress of doing now. Hopefully, this works. I'm copying the plex directory to a new share and once it is done I'll change the plex config directory to point to it.

Just make sure the Plex docker is turned off.

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Also make sure plex is purging deleted files. I've seen libraries very large, and up to 100GB, and have reindexed mine before from scratch.  Make sure the settings for purge deleted items is set in plex settings. Otherwise move it to the array on a single disk if that's not an option. 

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