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PreClear & Parity Fails (SOLVED - Sata Controller Issue)


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Hello everyone! First adventure into unRAID to dive further into Linux systems and I seem to be having an issue getting something started here.

I have been struggling to get this array started and going for a couple days now (partially a lack of time with preclears/parity checks). I started the pre clear before but closed out the webGUI before it finished which apparently cancels it. Just wanting to test it out and make sure it is good to go before pre clearing I started the array, during the parity check it fails and turns the disk disabled. I had done that twice, this time I did a preclear on 2 of the 4 HDDs which failed the pre-read. and thrown the errors below. To get the HDDs to show back up after the errors I have to reboot the system and to get it to stop declaring the parity disabled I had to go to tools and select New Config.


I have tried 3 different HDDs as the parity and attempted to pre-clear them all so I don't think it is a faulty HDD. I also ran an extended MemTest86+ to verify it wasn't any of the ram in the system. I clicked on the System Log to copy it but it didn't copy it, attached is the diagnostics ran after the failure. Hardware:

M/B: ASRock - EP2C602-4L/D16
CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz
HDD: x4 6TB Red, 2TB Red, 120gb SanDisk Ultra cache
Kernel: Linux 4.9.30-unRAID x86_64


I think that I am the problem and not setting something up correctly so any help would be appreciated. If you need any other information please let me know!



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1 minute ago, johnnie.black said:

Never use the Marvell controller on that board (first 4 white ports), they are known for dropping disks all the time, use the Intel ports only and your troubles will be over.

Thank you for the response! Only those 4 plus 2 others I believe are Sata III, will there be a clear Speed difference between Sata II and III with this setup if I am using a cache drive anyways? And would it cause any problems having 2/4 connected as Sata III vs II ?

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2 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

No speed difference for HDDs and no problem mixing both, if you have an SSD connect it on one of the SATA3 ports.

Alright, thank you for the assistance, I will address this issue and move forward!



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