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Questions about Motherboard Replacement and Issues


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Hi all, following up on my previous post (https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/56849-please-help-server-first-unreachable-now-wont-turn-on-at-all/) I've replaced the motherboard in my server and am now able to turn the server on. However I'm wondering about the protocols for getting unraid running again normally. I read the topic here: https://wiki.lime-technology.com/Replacing_the_Motherboard_in_Your_unRAID_Server), but unfortunately because my server wouldn't start before the replacement I was unable to take a snapshot of the 'Devices' page, or note the server's MAC address.


I've tried to arrange the disks>sata cables>motherboard configuration the same way it was with my previous motherboard, so hopefully my drives will be assigned the same way they were previously, but for now I can't tell, because while I can view the unRAID OS startup with an attached monitor and login using my previous admin name and password I am unable to access the GUI because the web tower address is not working, and my command line output says: dev br0 proto kernel scope link src (my normal unRAID address) linkdown

Any ideas about what my next step should be to fix this? Thanks!

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8 hours ago, zandrsn said:

I've tried to arrange the disks>sata cables>motherboard configuration the same way it was with my previous motherboard


unRAID tracks disks by serial number, so this isn't needed.


8 hours ago, zandrsn said:

I am unable to access the GUI because the web tower address is not working


Boot with the GUI option and use that to reconfig your network, you may need to reassign eth0


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