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Support for LDAP authentication

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Hello all,


I've been working on my home lab network overhaul recently, and adding an unRAID NAS was part of that.  This week, I added a FreeIPA instance to centralize logins for all Unix and compatible network devices. Installing on most Linux devices is easy, and even comes with distro-specific installers for both Debian/Ubuntu-style and RHEL-style distros.  Unfortunately, there is nothing for Slackware.


When I was planning this, I had just assumed that unRAID had LDAP support out of the box (since it had Active Directory), or at least through a plugin.  So far, I have been unable to locate any good resources on this.  Google has been less than helpful, forwarding me to posts about using unRAID as an AD server.  I have, however, found a few references to wanting LDAP support in posts here, and one post from 2011 that seems to indicate that LDAP support exists.


I think I can use a hacky solution where I pretend unRAID is a Windows client and add it as an authentication-only AD client in FreeIPA.  Their documentation is a bit shaky on the subject since it's not a completely recommended configuration.  My testing of this is on hold until I can finish a backup KVM instance to house my IPA server while unRAID attempts to join my IPA domain (turns out unRAID stops the whole array when you press "join"- poor planning on my part XD)


My question is this:  If LDAP support exists is it something that can be added to the GUI?  If it doesn't exist, is it something unRAID will eventually support?

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  • 1 year later...

I would like to see this too.


I use JumpCloud as LDAP server (it does much more, including syncing users with google suite or office365 accounts and enabling SSO to many web apps). 

JumpCloud requires an agent installed on machines in order to synchronise local users with the JumpCLoud directory. 


The JumpCLoud agent install for Linux fails due to this issue: https://blog.ypertex.com/articles/jumpcloud-on-unsupported-linux/


I could, as a workaround, do my file sharing from a windows VM (or supported linux VM) but then I feel I am defeating the purpose of managing shares in Unraid.

For now I manually replicate users in Unraid (handful of users and get them to enter their password when I create the user!). 


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