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How robust are unRaid virtual machines?

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Is the unRaid platform sufficiently stable/robust to support eight or ten Windows 10 virtual machines that would function as primary desktop computers as daily drivers in an office environment?  The non-profit with which I am associated is considering upgrading their office computers, and I'm trying to determine whether or not a single unRaid machine with separate virtual computers for all the staff members is a viable option.

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What would the users use to connect to the VMs? UnRaid can create 1, maybe 2 or even 3 (depending in the motherboard) passthrough GPUs and USB ports that users could directly interact with providing s near seamless VM experience. But beyond that, a user would need a computer with keyboard, mouse, and video screen and use something like NoMachine to access the VMs. (Maybe there are solutions to fit that need)


Generally I don't think of an unRaid server as something a business would use, but it is possible.


You'd need a good amount of memory to provide each user with 4-8 gigs of RAM.

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For a given snapshot in time, you could argue that it would work. The sad fact is that MS keeps moving the bar with their software, and security concerns along with feature creep in the linux and unraid world mean that you would be chasing a moving target.


I would not be comfortable forecasting your ability to keep an office running continuously for a year or more without significant downtime figuring out the latest quirk that pops up.


If you asked the same question about linux based VM's instead of MS, then I would be a little more optimistic.


A registered 501c3 has access to EXTREMELY cheap MS licenses, basically free, I think you would be better off stability wise with terminal services if you are set on Windows environment.

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