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Upgade Parity Problems


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Hello Everyone

I've been trying to upgrade my Parity Drives from 4TB to 8TB but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Each time I try I select to new drive(s), the screen refreshes, a warning states that "ALL DATA ON THIS DISK WILL BE ERASED WHEN ARRAY IS STARTED". No problem. I've done this on another server and expected it.

But When I scroll down, the Start Button is "greyed-out". I still see the "Star will start Parity-Sync and/or Data-Rebuild" warning, but I can't click on it or the "Yes I want to do this" checkbox.

I tried updating to v.6.3.5, ungrading only one parity drive, switching which drives I upgrade, preclearing again, parity checks, Fix Common Problems scans. Just can't start the array. If I put the 4TB drive back in, everything works fine.
The Start button is also greyed-out if I just "no device" and "maintenance mood" is also missing.

[HOWEVER the last time I replaced the 4TB and ran a scan, I received the following error: parity (ST4000DM000-1F2168_xxxxxxxx) has read errors    
If the disk has not been disabled, then unRaid has successfully rewritten the contents of the offending sectors back to the hard drive. It would be a good idea to look at the S.M.A.R.T. Attributes for the drive in question]

Any ideas?

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