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Docker.img almost full after nuking the last one?


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4 hours ago, xxredxpandaxx said:

My docker image was full and my containers wouldn't start so I deleted it and started a new one. It is 33GB and I only have 2.8GB free. I have included a picture of my containers.

I don't really have that much installed. How can I find out what is taking all of my space?

Screen Shot 2017-08-20 at 5.03.55 PM.png


You have folders mapped incorrectly somewhere and data is being written to the docker image instead of to your array. 


You can try

du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/lib/docker|sort -hr

and that should tell what what folders are consuming the most space in your image.


Mine looks like this, removing the -x flag allows it to cross filesystem boundaries so that will show files in your Docker subvolumes.

root@unRAID:~# du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/lib/docker|sort -hr
17M    /var/lib/docker
12M    /var/lib/docker/image
2.4M    /var/lib/docker/unraid
2.4M    /var/lib/docker/containers
104K    /var/lib/docker/volumes
104K    /var/lib/docker/network
0    /var/lib/docker/trust
0    /var/lib/docker/tmp-old
0    /var/lib/docker/tmp
0    /var/lib/docker/swarm
0    /var/lib/docker/plugins
0    /var/lib/docker/btrfs

root@unRAID:~# du -h --max-depth=1 /var/lib/docker|sort -hr
22G	/var/lib/docker/btrfs
22G	/var/lib/docker
12M	/var/lib/docker/image
2.4M	/var/lib/docker/unraid
2.4M	/var/lib/docker/containers
104K	/var/lib/docker/volumes
104K	/var/lib/docker/network
0	/var/lib/docker/trust
0	/var/lib/docker/tmp-old
0	/var/lib/docker/tmp
0	/var/lib/docker/swarm
0	/var/lib/docker/plugins
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On 8/20/2017 at 9:28 PM, brando56894 said:


You have folders mapped incorrectly somewhere and data is being written to the docker image instead of to your array. 


You can try

du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/lib/docker|sort -hr


This is what I get.

root@Maple1:~# du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/lib/docker|sort -hr
130M	/var/lib/docker
108M	/var/lib/docker/containers
21M	/var/lib/docker/image
2.4M	/var/lib/docker/unraid
92K	/var/lib/docker/network
24K	/var/lib/docker/volumes
0	/var/lib/docker/trust
0	/var/lib/docker/tmp
0	/var/lib/docker/swarm
0	/var/lib/docker/btrfs
root@Maple1:~# du -h --max-depth=1 /var/lib/docker|sort -hr 
78G	/var/lib/docker/btrfs
78G	/var/lib/docker
108M	/var/lib/docker/containers
21M	/var/lib/docker/image
2.4M	/var/lib/docker/unraid
92K	/var/lib/docker/network
24K	/var/lib/docker/volumes
0	/var/lib/docker/trust
0	/var/lib/docker/tmp
0	/var/lib/docker/swarm

Nothing seems to be taking up too much space.

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